Arctic Raspberry Tea
Arctic Raspberry Loose Leaf Tea is a flavored black tea with a moderate amount of caffeine that c...
Ayurvedic Immune Tea
Herby Rooibos blend that is sharp on the nose with hints of berry and a wild apple finish. Zero C...
Berry Berry Tea - Caffeine Free
Berry Berry Tea tastes just like it sounds!
This fruit tea is made purely of dried summer berrie...
This fruit tea is made purely of dried summer berrie...
Bohemian Raspberry
“Is this the real life?! Is this just fantasy?! Caught in a landslide…MAMA! Oooh!”
Luxury & O...
Luxury & O...
Breathe Deep Loose Leaf Tea & Facial Steam
Breathe Deep is a low-in-caffeine herb and fruit blend that is loaded with antioxidants. Eucalyp...
Cherry Rose Green Tea
Cherry Rose Loose Leaf Tea is a delicious green tea with a moderate amount of caffeine that can b...
Cranberry Apple Tea
Caffeine Free loose leaf tea blend of fruits and herbs. Delicious hot or iced, especially when ga...
Cranberry Orange Tea
Luxury & Organic High-Altitude black tea with cranberries and oranges. Hello Fall! Medium caf...
DIY Elderberry Elixir
Learn HERBALISM! Let us show you the way!
Makes a great gift!
Whether you are new to making your...
Makes a great gift!
Whether you are new to making your...
Elderberry Syrup
Our Elderberry DIY Kit, but fully prepared and ready to serve!
Enjoy whenever you need a little b...
Enjoy whenever you need a little b...
Fire Cider
Our take on a revered herbal remedy. Potent blend of herbs, spices, and whole foods deeply infus...
Ginger Peach Tea
Ginger Peach Loose Leaf Tea is a flavored black tea with a moderate amount of caffeine that can b...
Herb-Infused Honey
Our herbal-infused honeys are as local (and delicious!) as it gets...
Great accompaniments to you...
Great accompaniments to you...
Inhalation Oils
Available in 3 scents, these inhalation oils can be used to lift, energize or calm your senses.
Love Spell Tea
Luxury & Organic, high altitude black tea blend that is dripping with romance and intrigue!
Mango Mango Tea
Mango Mango Tea is delightfully fruity and can be enjoyed hot or iced any time. We enjoy ours sw...
Maple Tea
Maple Tea is a deep-tasting black tea that conjures up feelings of comfort and contentedness, aki...
Meg's Magic Spice Mix
"Oh my goodness, this is SO GOOD! What did you put on this?!"
Yup, you'll hear that a time or tw...
Yup, you'll hear that a time or tw...