Fire Cider
Our take on a revered herbal remedy. Potent blend of herbs, spices, and whole foods deeply infused in apple cider vinegar, then strained out and mixed with honey. Adds a little extra kick when used as an ingredient in the old-timer drink "switchel". Suggested to ward off or lessen duration and severity of sickness as well as help with hydration during times of summer heat and exhaustion.
What makes ours special?
We grow the garlic and herbs ourselves, get the honey and hot peppers from our neighbors down the road, source the fresh ginger and turmeric roots locally from Freedom Food Farm in Raynham, MA, and use strictly organic ingredients.
We also encourage you learn how to make your own as there are SO many variations and it is SUPER easy to make, it just needs a nice long rest in the jar before straining and stirring in honey. Of course, we are happy to do the work for you!
Grab this while it lasts!
Small batches only...stay on the lookout early and often.